I missed my update on Friday, so here I am 🙂 This is for the week of 11/9 which is the start of month 3 out of 21. Only 18 to go…

017 Skydive

I watched a TV program this weekend that showed a woman going skydiving with her daughter on a whim. She told her tandem partner she was not ready to jump but went for it anyway. As they are flying through the air she is screaming bloody murder. By the end of the free fall her tandem partner is trying to get her to hold her hands out and just enjoy it, she lets in and timidly raises her arms as if on a roller coaster. As they land and unstrap from each other she sits down, takes her goggles off and just waits for her daughter to land. Her daughter runs up and says ‘Wasn’t that amazing, couldn’t you do it again and again!?!” Her reply, ‘No, and I never want to do it again. It’s one of those Bucket List things and that’s it… mark that off my list. Never again.’

Scared. the. shit-out-of-me. Just sayin’

018 Hot air balloon

Speaking of scaring the shit out of me. I also watched a video of a Hot air balloon crash to the ground with injuries involved. Not a great weekend for my list, I tell ya what.

084 Buy a new laptop with external hard drive

I’m getting my student loans shortly and I’m thinking I might go ahead and get the new external hard drive I’ve been needing for home and school. Costco has some good deals on 1.5 Terabyte hard drives and that’s a crazy amount of memory, so I might as well go all in if I’m going to do it. Thoughts?

083 Manicure tootsies monthly [2/21]

Manicured my tootsies last weekend so figured I’d mention it. Anyone want to recommend a new toe color for me to try?

050 Crock Pot a meal once weekly for a month (if economical, continue on) [4/4]

Okay, so I just remembered I have used the crock pot four times and forgot to mention one here since I didn’t take pictures (gasp!) So scratch one more of this list. Yay!

Since we’re talking cooking here I’m going to show you the Pre-Thanksgiving run through I made this weekend. Including a Butterball turkey I got on sale at TOP for $7 and some change, Stuffing (from a box – oh the shame!), homemade dinner rolls, and mashed potatoes. Everything turned out really well and I learned some things which was kind of the point. Onto the pictures…

My gorgeous 14# Butterball turkey

The spread

...and yummy homemade cinnamon rolls for desert!

Now I get to enjoy turkey leftovers for the next week or so. Wheeeeeee!

072 Bento once a week (work up to daily) for school

I have not been Bento-ing per say, but I have made a lunch everyday so I’m counting this as progress.

054 Send Christmas cards (possibly homemade) to family and friends yearly [0/2.75]

The Bargain Blogger I follow is going to be posting some money saving Christmas gift ideas soon. I’m hoping she adds some tips on card making so I can keep this goal frugal. Maybe I’ll find some actual Christmas gift ideas too, or else I’ll be digging though my Avon inventory again this year for make-shift presents.

076 Become punctual

I’m happy to report I haven’t been late to work in over a week. I was late to class one day last week, but… well… there’s really no excuse. I just dilly dallied all morning….

Comments welcome, ecouraged and appreciated by the way (hint, hint).